Month: November 2023

What Makes A Good Photo

For the last few weeks we’ve been learning about how to take good photos.  Sometimes the object that you walk past everyday might make an amazing cool photo that you never thought you could take! I reckon that photography is a subject where you try out many new things.  


Some things that I learnt that can make an excellent photo are the colour. The colour on a photo is really important, because if your object is on a background that’s the same colour as the thing then it won’t be very noticeable. Another could be lighting, because if you make your object facing the sun/light then it will make the object pop out. Here’s a tip: always focus on your object so it won’t be blurry in a busy background, and so it’s the main subject on the photo.  


The photos down there are the best photos that I took. I reckon what makes it look amazing is because I took it close up so you can see the pattern, texture. I edited the photo so the leaf does not blend in with the wood. The way I positioned the leaf in the middle so it fills up the whole screen. 

My Very First Time At Camp!

Last week Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Te Maunga went to camp at Coopers Beach Christian Camp. At the start I was excited and a little bit nervous, because it was my first time. I had so much fun in camp that I forgot I had been nervous. Some of the activities that we did were: slippery hockey, rolling down the big hill, kayaking, roasting marshmallows by the fire pit, and the 80 metre long water slide. My number one favourite activity has to be the kayaks because it was relaxing and calming. 


One thing I learnt at camp was to try new food, other than my traditional chinese food. I was ok with them, some were nice and some were not my favourite because it was my first time trying it (so I wasn’t really used to it). Another thing that I’ve learnt on camp is how to kayak, because I’ve never kayaked before in my life. 


One thing I could do better next time is possibly have a try by myself on the kayaks. The reason is because I want to see how much I’ve learnt from an expert. Which activity would you try out first?



Fijian Language Week!

In week one we learnt about the Fijian language, we had Litia (my classmate) to teach us about her wonderful culture. She told us some basic Fijian words like: kerekere=please, vinaka-thank you, gunu=drink. Litia also brought some 

traditional fijian handicrafts. 

One thing I learnt was: E ruasagavulukatolu na matanivola ena vosa vakaviti. (There are 23 letters in the Fijian alphabet)  

The hardest part about learning the Fijian language was how to pronounce the words.