My First Summer Learning Activity!

Today I started the summer learning activity, the first activity was; poetry slam. I learnt the 4 parts of the poetry slam, they were creation, performance, kinda competition, and audience. The first part is creation, creation is making your poem next is performance which is when you like to perform it in front of people and then we have kind of competition, kind of because how we are away from each other. After that the last one is the audience, audience is where you go to other peoples blogs and comment them.

The first activity kick start, where you can check out some samples of performed poems. I checked out the first one was by Rob Auton, I think what inspired him was nature and the season autumn because in the video how he was emotional and sad because of the leafs falling and Rob got sad. It showed that ha has been taking care of the tree. The performance was kinda like a trailer for a movie.

The difference from writing the poem down is that when you perform it is like you show more emotion and you have the picture, you have whats the weather like a you can clearly tell the season the time and what hes doing other than guessing and you can get more information.


The next thing I had to do was; make a copy of the slides and I had to create a resource bank of the things that could inspire us for our summer poems for the poetry slam. My Favourite part of this activity could be writing the poems, because I get to write something freely and just think all sorts,  Maybe you can write a poem that rimes or just write what you really know about summer. Just write what you know best in summer like the beach and the park.






Britneys Movie day

One day a child named Britney, was at the movies with her family when all of a sudden the giant moth came out of the screen and ate Britney. Next, a giant butterfly came out and ate the moth after the butterfly went back in the movie and then King Kong and  Godzilla had a fight and Godzillia won and single handedly took down the robot. Godzilla killed the ugly butterfly then everybody ran out of the movie theatre and they all got eaten by Godzilla. Apart from Britney who got pooped out by Godzilla. And Godzilla broke every single city and town then ate everyone. Then king kong came back and belly flopped on Godzillia and no one lived happily ever after, The end.



This story is created with my friends: Jayden, Bernadette and Piripi. The Pictures are made by a picture generator, do you like it?


Athlete’s Day Back Again!

Last week we had an athlete day! It’s been so long since we had an athlete day. The events that I competed in were: racing, hurdles, dice, and many more. My favourite part of the athletes day was when it was about to end. Everything was 1 dollar but the ices were still 2 dollars. What I would do to make the athlete’s day better is to not drink too much water or eat ice because you get stitches and it’s really annoying when you have to run and jump. 

Building A Moon Lander!

Last Tuesday Suzan came in to teach us about the moon landers and about space companies like Nasa and Rocket Lab. I learnt that Rocket Lab is trying to make a type of Rocket that can be reusable, and that Rocket Lab is from New Zealand. My favourite part of it was when we had to make our own moon lander with 3 rubber bands, 8 straws, 3 little pieces of black paper, one big piece of black paper for the bottom of the rocket, tape, scissors, marshmallow for the humans. How my group could make it better would be putting some spring and putting a platform under it and the spring to be a bit longer.  IMG_7249

My Favorite T-Ball Lesson

This week Tuesday someone came in to teach us how to play t-ball. What I learnt about playing t-ball was it was like baseball but a bit different. You have to catch the ball and you have to step on a home base. A home base is just kinda like a carpet but really small, so you have to step on a home base with the ball in your hand but if a home base is really far away you can pass it to your team mate that is near a home base and near you. My favorite part was being like a batter that hits the ball. The next time I will make sure that I look at the ball when I’m batting to make sure that I aim the ball properly. 

One Of The Best Cricket Lesson

Last week Rob came in to teach us how to play cricket. Rob teaches us how to hold a cricket bat, how to play an easy cricket game, and what is the best way to hit a ball and the best way to throw a ball for your partner. One of the skills that I learnt was the best way to throw a ball and how to hold a bat the perfect way. To hold the bat properly you have to put your thumb in the middle to line up to the line at the back of the cricket bat and how to throw the ball for your partner is that you need to swing it up a let go or just throw it from the bottom. My favorite part was when there was 3 people as the tagger and they needed to throw the ball at the other peoples legs, but if you have the ball you have to stay still so you can’t move, you can only move again when you don’t have the ball but you can still throw the ball then you have it so you have to use teamwork. When you get tagged you will have to become one of the taggers and you have to get one more ball so if they tag more people they can get more taggers and at the same time more balls that they can use to tag you, and you have to stay in a little place like a spare. Next time that I will play cricket I will probably use the best way to throw the ball for your partner because I like to be the one who throws the ball not the batter. 

What I Learned From The Commonwealth Games

Last week on Friday we had our very own Paihia School Commonwealth Games. We were split into different countries, the country that I was in were Ireland. The games that we played that I remembered were spike ball, obstacle course, spud spoon race, ping pong, under and over, putts, darts and noodle hockey. 

The reason that we had the Commonwealth Games is because a month ago the original Commonwealth Games happened, we were supposed to have our Commonwealth Games last month but it was too wet on the field and the Commonwealth Games only happens every four years.  

My favourite part of the day was the was the spud spoon race it was really fun, because I love the egg spoon race and it was like the same thing but with a potatoes.  

Check Out This Great Filming Work!

For the last 3 weeks we have been working on making our own movies. My group’s movie was about 4 best friends going on a camping trip and then they found an abandoned house with ghosts living inside it.

What I learnt in making the movie is that not everybody agrees on your ideas and everybody works together most of the time and sometimes you have to deal with what the rest of the group thinks. 

My favourite part of making the movie was when we were  filming where the campsite was because everyone worked together smoothly, nobody was fighting. The hardest part of the movie to film was when we had to film inside the abandoned house because everyone was not listening. That’s why my group had to spend 2 days inside when we had to film inside the abandoned house.   

link to the film

Things You Need to Know About The Commonwealth Games

For the last 2 weeks I was learning about the Commonwealth Games. We had to answer some questions about the Commonwealth Games and then we had a competition to see who could find out the most Commonwealth countries. We had pictures of 53 flags and had to find out what country each flag represented. I figured out all 53 flags. The second last thing we had to do was create a mascot for the Paihia School mascot if we ever have one and the last thing we had to do was to create an acrostic poem uses words or phrases to describe something, The start of each sentence going down should be the word that you are describing. The words that we’re using is the one of the Commonwealth sports. In between them we did some art.  

My favourite part of the task was the art. First we had to just draw some lines on a piece of paper and then we had someone playing a sport on a picture and we had to cut it out. After we cut out the person we had to outline in on our piece of paper with the lines on. After that we colour in the person with Vivid. After that we had to colour in the the shapes on the paper. After that you are finished 

One thing I could do better next time is to double check before I just wrote down 53 Commonwealth countries because we had to put it in order.